یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز پانزده

20 لغت از کتاب 504: روز پانزده

هر روز 20 لغت از کتاب 504 Absolutely Essential Words تمرین کنید و در کمتر از یک ماه همه لغات مهم و ضروری زبان انگلیسی را یاد بگیرید. لغات امروز:


a material effigy that is worshipped

An idol can be a religious image or a person who people admire and maybe even seem to worship. A statue of a Hindu god is a religious idol, but Madame Curie is an idol to aspiring scientists.

ترجمه و معنی


prohibit especially by law or social pressure

The verb to ban means to forbid something from being or happening. The word can also be used as a noun. A school board might put a ban on all books that refer to Jefferson's mistress if they don't want anyone reading about her.

ترجمه و معنی


a cruel and oppressive dictator

If you accuse your parents of being tyrants, you are saying they abuse their control of you — they are cruel, overly restrictive of your freedoms, and unfair. A tyrant is a ruler who is cruel and unjust.

ترجمه و معنی


a person who says one thing and does another

A traitor says one thing but does another. If you promise a friend you'll keep his secret, but instead you blab it to everyone, you're a traitor.

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arrange by systematic planning and united effort

To devise is to figure out a plan. Men twirling long mustaches might devise a plan to tie someone to the railroad tracks.

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a measure taken in advance to ward off impending danger

A precaution is a careful action you make in advance. You might want to take the precaution of bringing lots of water and sunblock if you're going on a desert hike.

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someone who does evil deliberately

A villain is a bad person — real or made up. In books, movies, current events, or history, the villain is the character who does mean, evil things on purpose.

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relating to a city or densely populated area

Use the adjective urban to refer to cities or people who live in cities. It carries a suggestion of grittiness––urban style involves darker colors.

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a violent commotion or disturbance

Shakespeare's The Tempest begins with one — a tempest, or a violent and windy storm.

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eat immoderately

When you've gone all day without eating anything, you'll probably devour your dinner, especially if it's your very favorite homemade lasagna. Devour means to eat greedily and hungrily.

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one the first colonists or settlers in a new territory

A pioneer is one of the first settlers in a new place. If you desperately want to experience life in space, maybe you will be one of the pioneers who live in the first moon settlement.

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without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand

Something casual is ordinary or everyday — not too special, unusual, fancy, serious, or eventful. You might have a casual conversation with your classmates before homeroom, or attend a casual backyard barbecue.

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a state of commotion and noise and confusion

If a principal steps into a classroom and is greeted by a tumult of voices, with the teacher shouting for his kids' attention, she will not be pleased. A tumult is a state of noisy confusion.

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Abide means "to be able to live with or put up with." If you can't abide with something, it means you can't stand it. If you can abide it, it means you can live with it.

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based on known statements or events or conditions

Logical describes something that comes from clear reasoning. Using a fire extinguisher to put it out a fire is a logical step. Trying to put it out with gasoline is not.

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someone who is sought by law officers

Someone who flees or runs away from the police to avoid capture is a fugitive. "Authorities were looking for three men who escaped from prison today. Authorities believe the three fugitives may be disguised as nuns and advise the public to be careful."

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being or relating to the smaller in number of two parts

If you have eight pennies and twelve dimes, the minority — or smaller portion — of your coins are pennies.

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end, take out, or do away with

As eliminate means "get rid of or do away with," it has become used to refer to the end of a problem or even an entire species. We need to eliminate sources of pollution in order to maintain a healthy world.

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speak out against

To denounce is to tattle, rat out, or speak out against something. When you stand on your desk and tell the class that your partner is cheating, you denounce him or her.

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prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules

Something illegal is against the law or breaks the rules. If you're reading this in jail, you've probably done something illegal, and if you're not in jail, there's plenty of time to obey the law.

ترجمه و معنی

سعی کنید تمرین لغت روزانه را تبدیل به یک عادت کنید تا دانش گسترده ای از واژگان انگلیسی داشته باشید. حتما هر روز لغات روز قبل را هم با مثال مرور کنید تا در ذهنتان باقی بمانند. در پست های بعدی همراه شما خواهیم بود.

مجموعههر روز 20 لغت از کتاب 504(26 پست)
1.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز یک11 ماه قبل2.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز دو11 ماه قبل3.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز سه11 ماه قبل4.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز چهار11 ماه قبل5.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز پنج11 ماه قبل6.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز شش11 ماه قبل7.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هفت11 ماه قبل8.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هشت11 ماه قبل9.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز نه11 ماه قبل10.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز ده10 ماه قبل11.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز یازده10 ماه قبل12.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز دوازده10 ماه قبل13.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز سیزده10 ماه قبل14.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز چهارده10 ماه قبل15.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز پانزده10 ماه قبل16.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز شانزده10 ماه قبل17.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هفده10 ماه قبل18.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هجده10 ماه قبل19.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز نوزده10 ماه قبل20.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست10 ماه قبل21.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و یک10 ماه قبل22.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و دو10 ماه قبل23.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و سه10 ماه قبل24.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و چهار10 ماه قبل25.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و پنج10 ماه قبل26.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی، مرور کل لغات / روز بیست و شش10 ماه قبل

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