یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و یک

20 لغت از کتاب 504: روز بیست و یک

هر روز 20 لغت از کتاب 504 Absolutely Essential Words تمرین کنید و در کمتر از یک ماه همه لغات مهم و ضروری زبان انگلیسی را یاد بگیرید. لغات امروز:


remove from the surface

To skim is to remove something from the surface of a liquid. Some cooks skim the fat off of the top of their chicken noodle soup, others skim the cream off milk to make skim (or skimmed) milk.

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moving quickly and lightly

If you're nimble, you can move quickly and with ease. That spryness can be both physical and mental, so even if your granny isn't very nimble on her feet, she can probably still whip you in chess.

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put into service

To utilize is to use what you have or what's available, and it's a three-syllable word meaning the same thing as the one-syllable "use."

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the act of hiding and waiting to make a surprise attack

An ambush is a sneak attack. To ambush your enemy, hide and wait for him to come near and then pounce on him.

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a person's partner in marriage

A spouse is your companion, your mate, your partner. In ye olden times, spouse was used as a verb meaning “to marry,” but nowadays, it functions as a noun referring to either husband or wife.

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state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options

A dilemma is a tough choice. When you're in a difficult situation and each option looks equally bad, you're in a dilemma.

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courage when facing danger

Valor is honor plus dignity. It’s gallant bravery and strength, especially on the battlefield or in the face of danger. Saint George displayed valor when he finally slayed the dragon. It’s a trait fit for a hero.

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become smaller or lose substance

What do love, money, and the earth all have in common? All can dwindle, or shrink away, if we don't handle them properly.

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the act of gambling

To wager is to bet: you might say to your fellow train passengers, "I'll wager ten dollars that we won't get to Chicago on time."

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marked by skill in deception

If people call you crafty, they probably mean you are sly and a little deceptive. Then again, they could be saying that you are really good at knitting, beading, and turning old t-shirts into funky pillowcases.

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a copy that corresponds to an original exactly

Duplicate describes something that's an exact copy. If you tend to accidentally lock yourself out of your car, it's a good idea to carry a duplicate key with you just in case.

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a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease

An epidemic is a disease that spreads rapidly among many people in a community at the same time. In the 1980s, the fast-spreading AIDS epidemic transformed life on our planet.

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a small amount of solid food; a mouthful

A morsel is a small amount of something, a tid-bit, a sliver, usually of something of high-quality and much desired — like a morsel of dark chocolate or a morsel of secret information.

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cover with liquid; pour liquid onto

To drench something is to get it thoroughly wet. You might drench your sister with the garden hose to pay her back for squirting you with her water pistol.

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lacking sensation

Numb is an adjective that describes a lack of sensation. After skiing all day, your toes might be numb from the cold. You'd feel numb for hours after hearing that your favorite band broke up.

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an insane person

A lunatic is someone who is either clinically insane or just acting really crazy. Someone driving too fast and zigging in and out of traffic is driving like a lunatic.

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move the upper body backwards and down

When you recline, you lounge or lean back. It isn't safe to recline while you're driving a car. However, it's perfectly safe to recline on your couch while you watch TV.

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someone or something responsible for harm or wrongdoing

A culprit is a person who does something wrong, like committing a crime. When your wallet got stolen out of your pocket, there was a culprit to blame in the crowd.

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a person who owes a creditor

A debtor is someone who owes money. If you borrow from a bank to buy a car, you are a debtor.

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سعی کنید تمرین لغت روزانه را تبدیل به یک عادت کنید تا دانش گسترده ای از واژگان انگلیسی داشته باشید. حتما هر روز لغات روز قبل را هم با مثال مرور کنید تا در ذهنتان باقی بمانند. در پست های بعدی همراه شما خواهیم بود.

مجموعههر روز 20 لغت از کتاب 504(26 پست)
1.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز یک11 ماه قبل2.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز دو11 ماه قبل3.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز سه11 ماه قبل4.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز چهار11 ماه قبل5.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز پنج11 ماه قبل6.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز شش11 ماه قبل7.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هفت11 ماه قبل8.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هشت11 ماه قبل9.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز نه11 ماه قبل10.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز ده10 ماه قبل11.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز یازده10 ماه قبل12.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز دوازده10 ماه قبل13.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز سیزده10 ماه قبل14.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز چهارده10 ماه قبل15.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز پانزده10 ماه قبل16.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز شانزده10 ماه قبل17.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هفده10 ماه قبل18.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هجده10 ماه قبل19.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز نوزده10 ماه قبل20.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست10 ماه قبل21.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و یک10 ماه قبل22.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و دو10 ماه قبل23.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و سه10 ماه قبل24.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و چهار10 ماه قبل25.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز بیست و پنج10 ماه قبل26.یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی، مرور کل لغات / روز بیست و شش10 ماه قبل

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