یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز چهار

20 لغت از کتاب 504: روز چهار

هر روز 20 لغت از کتاب 504 Absolutely Essential Words تمرین کنید و در کمتر از یک ماه همه لغات مهم و ضروری زبان انگلیسی را یاد بگیرید. لغات امروز:


physically and mentally fatigued

Weary as an adjective means "very tired or worn out," like weary students who finished a long week of studying and taking tests.

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having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization

To be aware means to know about. If you're aware of a sled zooming towards you, move! And if you’re aware that the other kids wish they had sleds, share yours. That’s being socially aware. Well done.

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present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence

Have you ever shouted "Bravo!" at the end of a play or cooed "Good boy!" to the dog when he followed a command? Then you know how to commend someone — in other words, to express approval aloud.

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capable of being seen or open to easy view

If you describe something as visible, you are saying you can see it. Certain things are not visible to the naked eye, but that doesn't mean they are invisible, you may just need a microscope or telescope to see them.

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inspire with confidence

When you encourage someone, you give him or her the courage or confidence to do something, like when you encourage your little brother to play harder by yelling his name from the sidelines of the soccer field.

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pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

To hesitate is to pause before doing something, often out of concern or worry.

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engage in a contest or measure oneself against others

In sports you compete against the opposing team. At work you compete for a promotion. With siblings, you compete for everything. Compete means to vie for a goal.

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judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger

If you act with caution, it means you are careful. Be sure to use caution when walking across a patch of ice. Otherwise, you might end up sprawling face-first on the ground. Ouch!

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a specific practice of long standing

Traditions are longstanding customs and practices. It might be a family tradition to open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, started because your parents were too impatient to wait.

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make changes for improvement to remove abuse and injustices

When you reform something, you change it for the better. If you're running for President, you might promise to reform government, although it's easier to promise reform than to actually accomplish it.

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the ability to see

If you are getting your eyes checked, a doctor is checking on your vision — or your ability to see. But if you have visions of unicorns romping over rainbows, that's a whole other issue that the eye doctor can't address.

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the piece of land on which something is located

A site is a location. The leader of a Zombie Army might remind his underlings: “Your web site is just a collection of pages at one address on the Web. Your burial site is where you find more soldiers!”

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show; make visible or apparent

An exhibit is an item that is shown off for the public, such as a painting on display at a gallery or a historical document shown under glass at a museum.

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painstakingly careful and accurate

Thorough describes something that is painstakingly complete, like a thorough search for your missing keys in which you look for them in coat pockets, under the table, in the refrigerator — in every single place you can think of.

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an extended fictional work in prose

If something is so new and original that it's never been seen, used or even thought of before, call it novel. The noun novel describes a book-length work of fiction.

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force somebody to do something

Compel means to force or drive someone to do something. Even if you don't like toast, when you visit the toast-eating natives of Shrintakook Island, you'll be compelled to eat it, or they will not trust you.

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come out into view, as from concealment

To emerge means to come out into view or come forth. You might hope to emerge from an epic perming session looking like a beauty queen, but chances are it will just look like you got electrocuted.

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show; make visible or apparent

To expose means to uncover or allow to be in the open air. If you take off your coat and expose your bare arms to the terrible cold, your tattoos might freeze off. (Note: We don’t actually know if this is physically possible.)

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an undertaking with an uncertain outcome

A venture is a risky undertaking. If your latest venture is a dog food store, you hope there are some hungry dogs around. Also, to venture is to go somewhere possibly dangerous, like if you venture out into a snowstorm.

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the quality of being fair, reasonable, or impartial

Justice is the quality of being just or fair. Super heroes fight for justice because they want everything to be fair and not let bad guys win. Just ask Wonder Woman, Superman, or any other member of the Justice League.

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