یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز هفت

20 لغت از کتاب 504: روز هفت

هر روز 20 لغت از کتاب 504 Absolutely Essential Words تمرین کنید و در کمتر از یک ماه همه لغات مهم و ضروری زبان انگلیسی را یاد بگیرید. لغات امروز:


weight to be carried or borne

Getting hired as the assistant to a pastry chef seemed like a dream come true. But one week and 100 cupcakes later, it’s become a hard-to-bear burden accompanied by a permanent stomachache.

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cause someone to believe an untruth

To deceive means to trick or lie. A crafty kid might deceive his mother into thinking he has a fever by holding the thermometer to a light bulb to increase the temperature.

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show a reaction to something

Invited to a great party? You might respond by shouting "Hooray!" and then letting your friend know you'll be there. To respond is to react or reply.

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take up or begin anew

If you resume something, you start it again after stopping. You might resume singing an aria after breaking to spit out your gum.

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someone who is considered for something

A candidate is someone running for political office — or anyone being considered for a position or opportunity of some sort.

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a state of adversity

If you are in distress, you are in trouble. You're hurting — either physically or mentally.

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wear out completely

The noun exhaust refers to what comes out of your car's tailpipe. It consists of the burned gases and particulate matter that are created by the engine. As a verb, the word exhaust means to use something up, such as a food supply or your energy.

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capability to perform or produce

Capacity describes your ability to do something or the amount something can hold. If your bird cage is at full capacity, you can't stuff one more feathered friend in there without causing birdie claustrophobia.

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leave undone or leave out

Neglect is worse than ignoring something. It's ignoring it, failing to care for it, and probably harming it in the process.

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not in action or at work

Something idle is not active. If your car is idling, it's running but not moving. If someone calls you idle, it either means they think you don't have enough to do or that you're just plain lazy.

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extend in one or more directions

The verb expand means to make something bigger or wider. It might refer to something concrete, as when you blow into a balloon and make it expand, or something more abstract, as when you study to expand your mind.

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characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth

Something that is accurate is exact and true. It's important to be accurate in the kitchen with your measurements and in the courtroom with your testimony.

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to or in a foreign country

If you study abroad in your junior year of college, you are going to school in another country. Use abroad when you are talking about going to or from a place across an ocean.

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suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival

If you're jealous of someone, you want what they've got. This is one of the most basic human emotions, and it is not pretty. Don't be jealous of my good looks: you're cute too.

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command against

When you forbid something, you refuse to allow it. You might have heard your parents say things like, "I forbid you to play ball in the house!" or "I forbid you to have any more parties when we're not home!"

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accept as inevitable

To resign is to quit or retire from a position. You can also resign yourself to something inevitable, like death — meaning you just accept that it's going to happen.

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an institution set up to provide help to the needy

Charity is the donation of something, like money, to a cause or person in need. Before offering charity to someone, make sure he is, in fact, needy, and not just some fashion fiend dressed like a homeless person!

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a discussion with reasons for and against some proposal

Another word for formally discuss is debate. Cheese lovers often debate the merits of gorgonzola, triple creme brie, and gouda. Of course, they need to accompany their arguments with a taste test!

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create by putting components or members together

To assemble means to bring together, as in people or parts. The volunteers assembled to assemble the bikes for the needy kids.

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squeeze tightly in your arms, usually with fondness

To embrace something is to welcome it with open arms, hold, hug, accept completely. You might embrace your sweetheart, or even changes in technology.

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