یادگیری 504 لغت ضروری انگلیسی هر روز 20 لغت / روز نوزده

20 لغت از کتاب 504: روز نوزده

هر روز 20 لغت از کتاب 504 Absolutely Essential Words تمرین کنید و در کمتر از یک ماه همه لغات مهم و ضروری زبان انگلیسی را یاد بگیرید. لغات امروز:


summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture

To beckon is to use a physical gesture to call someone over to you. Universally recognized gestures used to beckon include crooking the finger or nodding the head to invite someone over.

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something used to lure fish or other animals

People who go fishing aren’t the only ones to use bait. When you hold a yard sale, place your best stuff closest to the sidewalk — to serve as bait. Bait can be anything from the worms that hide a hook to a stereo that tempts shoppers to stop and browse.

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someone who lives at a particular place for a long period

An occupant is someone who lives or stays at a place for awhile. A lot of your junk mail is addressed "To occupant" because the sender doesn't know who lives at your address.

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a quantity much larger than is needed

A surplus is something extra or left over. If your tree produces more apples than you can eat, you can make applesauce with the surplus of apples.

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a person authorized to suppress unacceptable material

A censor takes out things that are objectionable or inappropriate, like the censors at the TV networks bleeping out all the bad words in a show.

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contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions

Someone who is complacent has become overly content — the junk-food-eating couch potato might be feeling complacent about his health.

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confirm the truth of

When you verify something, you show that it's true. Do you have a photograph to verify your claim that there's a dinosaur in your backyard?

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capable of being wounded or hurt

Use the adjective vulnerable to describe something or someone open to being physically or emotionally wounded, like a newborn chick or an overly sensitive teenager.

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being on a very small scale

Things that are miniature are teeny tiny versions of something else. Think miniature poodle. Unless you don't like small dogs. Then think miniature footballs. Aww, cute.

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strikingly odd or unusual

Call something weird when it’s strange, bizarre, or strikes you as odd. Putting peanut butter on pizza is weird. So is most abstract, conceptual performance art.

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a field on which the buildings of a university are situated

The land and various buildings that make up a college are its campus. If you live on campus, you'll be close to your classes.

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anything that is cast aside

When you discard something, you get rid of it. If your closet is overflowing with clothes you haven't worn since 1992, why not discard some of them?

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wicked, evil, or dishonorable

People who are left-handed might feel unlucky having to use a desk designed for right-handers, but there probably wasn't any sinister, or evil, intent behind the design. Or was there?

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not extreme

Temperate means mild, moderate. If you're a temperate person, you are calm, reasonable. If you live in a temperate climate, it's warm and sunny, but not too hot.

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the body of stories associated with a culture or institution

A mythology is a collection of myths or stories about a specific person, culture, religion, or any group with shared beliefs. Most people don’t consider mythology to be entirely true, but they still take it seriously.

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to cause to become dependent

If you are a cookie addict, it means you are addicted to cookies. You just can't get enough of them.

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harass or assault sexually; make indecent advances to

To molest someone is to annoy or attack them. Although the word was first used to mean "pester," now it is more typically used to refer to criminal abuse.

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an exploratory action or expedition

If you probe something, you investigate it thoroughly. If you go into business with someone, you might probe her finances to make sure that she has a good track record.

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demonstrating striking cleverness and humor

A witty remark is clever and funny and timed just right. When you make such a remark, you are also considered to be witty.

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a small mass of soft material

A wad is a bundle or lump of something, like the wads of chewing gum you'll find if you look under your chair at school. Yuck!

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